

Q-Pulse provides reliable, accurate, and pertinent information about every machine in your enterprise—all in real-time. Q-Pulse delivers improved performance, efficiency, and quality, as well as true overall equipment efficiency (OEE). By giving you the ability to monitor cycle times, setup times, downtimes, faults, and other KPIs, it allows you to react quickly, make better decisions, work toward continuous improvement, and accurately predict and forecast production throughput. True lean manufacturing requires a range of machines to complete a variety of tasks—all working together at the same time, often in different locations. Q-Pulse provides a clear view of all of them, in one place, at the same time.

Measure and monitor, your machines, processes, system performance in real-time

Today’s complex business operations are driven by technology, with a range of machines and systems in constant operation. Q-Pulse provides complete visibility for your entire business environment, allowing you to effectively see every machine and device—operation levels, status, output, and virtually every other metric—in real time, and across multiple locations.

This VirtualView lets you pinpoint problems—bottlenecks, failures, maintenance issues—and drive overall productivity by motivating, informing, and empowering your workforce. This is achieved through better and more actionable information. By allowing transparency across all assets on your shop floor, you can fine-tune processes, improve overall productivity, and control costs.

Flexible and fully customizable, Q-Pulse has been specifically designed to communicate with all your equipment, and utilize that information to enhance throughput. This automated system provides automatic data acquisition, analysis, and charting/reporting in real time.

By providing KPIs and production metrics including, OEE, JPH, production counts, or whatever matters to your specific operation, Q-Pulse enhanced productivity. The information and data collected can be sorted and aggregated in real-time graphical views—meaning you can see a true in-line work-view of your entire operation.

Why Q-Pulse?
  • Flexible complete customization
  • Automated data acquisition
  • Quick and intuitive set up, configuration, and updating.
  • Generate a range of real-time reports
  • Multi-lingual support
  • Extensive user access management
  • Real-time detailed graphical views
  • Auto-refresh keeps data current

Simple accurate data collection for all your machines

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. And you can’t measure what you can’t see. That’s what Q-Pulse provides: the tools to measure and monitor the “health” of your machines and processes in real-time. For manufacturers working with different systems and in different locations, this can be challenging, if not impossible. Not all the machines speak the same “language.” And for global companies with multiple locations, not all machine operators speak the same language either, adding to the difficulty and confusion.

Q-Pulse cuts through, providing access, information, detailed reporting on every machine on your shop floor.

Through automatic and continual monitoring of “machine events”—cycle start and end, setup start and end, fault monitoring, tool change—and “machine states”—starved, blocked, manual intervention, offline—Q-Pulse delivers top-down/bottom-up visibility for all your systems. This data is time stamped and processed for real-time viewing, detailed analysis, reporting, and cataloging.

Q-Pulse ships with a number of real-time and analysis reporting options, and can be customized to fit the specific requirements of any manufacturing operation. As well as integrating with your existing mechanical and technology base, Q-Pulse easily dovetails with Q-Net Report Sapphire and Q-Marquee, allowing you to access the real-time data needed to drive productivity. This information can be dynamically displayed across your organization. By using information and visibility to reduce the time it takes to react to issues—and even anticipate issues—Q-Pulse empowers you to make better decisions, cut downtime, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Actionable accessibility and information aggregation

Any unplanned downtime can cause havoc on your workflow and productivity—bottlenecking processes and leading to costly delays. This risk is intensified for businesses that operate many machines over multiple locations, where a slowdown or stoppage can translate into issues directly tied to safety and the bottom line. That’s what makes Q-Pulse so essential. By effectively and automatically monitoring all your machines, you can anticipate and identify potential issues before they become costly problems.

Cross platform and language communication

Today’s manufacturing industry is global. And global sometimes means different—different languages, different systems, and different locations. Keeping it all straight, and operating smoothly is difficult. Especially when everyone is not in the same location, using different equipment, or speaking the same languages. Q-Pulse solves this by delivering a single-point of information integration for all your machines. While one machine may not be able to “talk” to another—Q-Pulse can talk to, and understand, them all. Add in multi-lingual support, and Q-Pulse can be rolled out across your entire operation.

The information that matters to your operation

There are basic KPIs that are relevant for every manufacturing and business operation, but what about the metrics that are unique to your products or your organizations? Q-Pulse is a truly bespoke offering, allowing you to run a range of pre-set reports and viewing options, but also giving you the flexibility to create views of your own. Through an easy to use interface, you can customize Q-Pulse—adding new search and data retrieval parameters and new lines/machines, while also specifying how the information is to be reported and displayed. Complete customization and communication—in the moment.

To learn more about how Q-Pulse can work for you,
contact us at 248.393.3621.

We’re ready to answer your questions, discuss your needs, and deliver solutions that exceed your goals.

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